The future of cars: how car technology is changing

What will cars be like in the future? We're exploring the future of cars and transport, and how future car technology is causing the market to change.

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How to stop your car from running rich

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What is a V5 logbook and why is it important?

What is a V5 logbook? Can you sell a car without a V5? What should you do with a lost V5? Learn all you need to know about V5 logbooks here.

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What's the difference between a 4x4, SUV and crossover?

What is an SUV? What is a 4x4? Do you know what a crossover is? Many think they’re the same thing, but they’re not. Discover the differences here.

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Will we ever run out of petrol and diesel?

It’s not news to anyone that our energy sources as a planet are in trouble, but at our current rate, when will we run out of fossil fuels?

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Engine sizes explained

Nowadays, cars come with engines in a whole range of sizes. Brush up on your engine bay knowledge as we explain engine sizes big and small.

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Rust: What is car corrosion and how can you avoid it?

Corrosion and rust are common issues for many. Learn how to prevent corrosion and how to remove it from your car.

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The top driving world records

There's been many stunts pulled over the years to achieve a Guinness World Record. Take a look at some of the best that have taken place in a car.

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What is an OBD port and what are they used for?

When exploring car issues, OBD ports are usually the first port of call. But, what is an OBD port and what does an OBD port or scanner do? Find out.

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How petrol stations work and other car filling tips

You probably know how to use a petrol station, but are you aware of the forecourt faux pas? Take a look at our petrol filling tips and advice.

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European, American or Japanese? Key differences between the major car producers

American vs European vs Japanese cars. Discover all the differences between the major car producers here.

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