Your satisfaction is our top priority, and we want to make sure you’re happy with the service we offer. If you feel we’ve fallen short, please let us know. We value your feedback so we can continue to improve our services.

We're committed to resolving any issues fairly and promptly. Together, we'll work with you to find the best solution.

Service complaints

If something hasn't met your expectations or you want to make a service complaint, we want to hear from you.

Raise a service complaint

Vehicle Quality complaints

Having issues with your vehicle? Get in touch with the dealership first so they have the chance to put things right, this is often the quickest and easiest way to resolve the issue. If you need extra support from us, we’re here to help.

Raise a Vehicle Quality complaint

Existing complaints

 Whether you need an update on your existing complaint or need to provide evidence, click the link below.

Find out more

What happens next?

Once we’ve received your complaint, it’s important that we fully understand and investigate the cause of your concern. We aim to get everything resolved within 56 days*. A dedicated complaint handler will be assigned to your case and will keep you updated throughout. Find out more here.

*For information on Discretionary Commission Arrangement complaints, click here.

Day 1-3

We’ll work with you to investigate your complaint and bring about an early resolution. If we successfully resolve your complaint within the first 4 days, we’ll send you a summary of the outcome

Day 4

If we can’t resolve your issue straight away, we may need more time to look into it further. We’ll keep you updated with the steps we’re taking and will work with you if we need further information.

4 weeks

If your complaint is not resolved within 4 weeks, we’ll write to you to explain why the issue is yet to be resolved and when you can expect to hear from us again.

8 weeks

We aim to resolve all complaints within a maximum of 8 weeks. If we haven’t provided you with a final response after 8 weeks, we’ll write to you to explain the reasons for the delay, provide you with escalation rights, and let you know when you can expect our final response. If you’re unhappy with our final decision, you have the right to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service.

If you're unhappy with our final outcome

If you’re unhappy with our final decision, you can refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service. This service is free of charge and offers an impartial assessment.

Please note that if you haven't raised your complaint with us first, you won't be able to approach the Ombudsman directly.

Upon our response to your complaint, we'll provide you with information on how to reach out to the Ombudsman for further review.

Got a question?

From settlement figures to making a payment, head to our FAQs to find the answers to our most commonly asked questions.

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