Celebrating International Women's Day 2021
“There is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish” – Michelle Obama
And that’s exactly what International Women’s Day is about. Celebrating the economic, cultural and political achievements of women, IWD is the chance to reinforce gender equality and shout about all the great work that women do! As part of the Aldermore Group, we’re backing our female colleagues by hosting an internal event, hearing from Aldermore’s Senior Independent Director, Danuta Gray. With vast experience under her belt, Danuta is sharing with our teams what it’s like being a woman in finance, her impressive executive background and what this year’s #ChooseToChallenge theme means to her.
#ChooseToChallenge is the belief that challenge is what's going to lead to change. We all have the opportunity to seek out and challenge gender bias and equality, and Danuta believes in speaking up and saying what is on your mind. With useful tips like researching your career and the industry you’re in, sharing your voice and ideas in meetings to finding a balance of work and home life, Danuta has inspired and set up our MotoNovians to reach their full potential.
We’re also marking IWD by celebrating the success of our recently launched One Aldermore Female Network. Our Diversity & Inclusion team launched the female network last month and the first event saw over 200 male and females across the board take part! With the aim of creating a safe and supportive place for women to share their experiences, be listened to and feel confident in having their voice heard, the event kicked off focusing on the barriers and challenges females face moving into leadership roles.
It’s the start of a journey and a driver in supporting future personal and professional growth. We’re always encouraging our teams to develop their personal growth and be the best that they can be, including creating a pathway for our apprentices. Meet Laura, one of our IT apprentices who is developing her career in IT and how she’s challenging perceptions in a usually male dominated area.
“Even today, I feel people are shocked to see females in the IT industry. Young women should be encouraged to learn and pursue in subjects that they are interested in, and not just subjects based on their gender identity. Although sometimes “standing out” can feel challenging, it is something that should be embraced. When I was first getting into IT, I had the misconception that there wouldn’t be women operating at senior levels as I’d only ever seen men– I was completely incorrect! It’s really refreshing and inspiring to see female leaders being successful in Tech.”
Find out more about International Women’s Day and how you can celebrate here.