#MotoNovoCharityDrive - the catch up
It’s been over two months since our car started its virtual journey across the web where we donated a total of £40,000 to 20 different charities carrying out some incredible work to help those most vulnerable during the pandemic. We caught up with two of them to see how our donation has contributed to their cause…
Greenacres Rescue
“Things are slowly getting back to normal at the rescue, although we are still limited with rehoming at present. Wales has only just had the 5 mile travel restriction lifted, which meant we were only able to do a small amount of home checks & obviously meant fewer people were able to visit the centre. We still aren’t able to have our volunteers back, but on the plus side, we have been able to open 2 of our shops, so a small amount of income is back. No fundraisers though & our annual Open day was also cancelled. It has only been with the support of donations such as yours that we have been able to survive. With over 200 animals at the centre, our food & vet bills have not gone away, so the very welcome £2000 from MotoNovo helped towards paying those bills. Thank you once again from all at Greenacres.”
Cerebral Palsy Cymru
“Thanks to your wonderful donation, we have been able to continue to reach out to the children and families that need us during this challenging time. Our current prediction is that we will lose more than 40% of our anticipated income across the financial year so donations like yours are extremely valuable to us at this uncertain time. Shortly after lockdown, we swiftly adapted a very ‘hands on’ service to a virtual one providing therapy sessions via video link. Throughout June, we were able to see 18 children via virtual consultations and for the first time since the crisis hit, we have been able to hold a small number of face to face therapy sessions at our centre. Going forward, we will still have a ‘virtual first’ policy for some time. Mum to Verity, age 1, explains how our virtual service has helped them:
“When we first heard that Cerebral Palsy Cymru would be providing virtual therapy sessions we jumped at the chance as we were desperate for more ways to help Verity progress. I was a little unsure of how the session would go, but once it started I knew we would get another valued session. I would recommend this to all families as it is simple and the therapists are so patient and provide clear instructions and demonstrations. It's also beneficial to keep the contact as a confirmation that the things we are doing at home with Verity are correct and will be of benefit to her.” If you would like to read more about Verity’s journey, click here.
To find out more about the other chosen charities, you can read about them in part one and part two of our #MotoNovoCharityDrive special!